The Social Life of Climate Change is a study based out of NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge. We are conducting hundreds of interviews to understand how Americans relate to climate change in and outside of work. The objective is to form a comprehensive and realistic picture of this public issue as it exists socially in the US today.




Q:  If I agree to take part in the study, will my words ever be quoted?

A: Participation is anonymous. We may quote you, but neither you or nor your organization or employer will ever be named in our published research. All interviews remain confidential. Feel free to write us for more information on the way we secure interview data.



Q: How long does it take to participate?

A: Normally less than an hour.



Q: Is the study designed according to a particular idea of climate change, or what should be done about it?

A: No. We are interested in learning what people really think and do. Many past studies have focused on whether people have the “right” ideas about climate change, as defined by the researchers.  Because of this we know much less about how climate change in fact organizes Americans’ views and actions than we might otherwise.






Eric Klinenberg is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Public Knowledge at New York University.



Hillary Angelo is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz.



Alix Rule is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Public Knowledge, New York University.